
Grow with Purpose.

Welcome to our global startup studio, where innovation meets impact. Founded in Los Angeles, California, in partnership with our innovation lab in Basel, Switzerland, we are dedicated to building and nurturing companies that drive positive change. Our focus lies in intellectual property within businesses committed to environmental sustainability, consumer transparency, and powerful storytelling.

We provide a comprehensive range of services, from strategic advisory to hands-on operational support, ensuring our portfolio companies have the resources and expertise they need to thrive. Our mission is to drive success for our stakeholders and positively impact the markets we serve. Join us in creating a brighter, more sustainable future.

our values


Transparency is at the root of our values. We believe in challenging ideas, collaborating, and openingly reflecting together, committing to direct and honest communication in order to grow and achieve success.


By choosing to activate empathy, we strengthen the muscle that helps solve problems from the right perspective, valuing the power in the approach of putting yourself in someone else's shoes.

Open Mindedness

We open a wide door to new ideas and information. We understand that in order to find solutions, we must challenge ourselves and approach every situation with the goal to learn something new.


You can rely on us to get the job done. We believe that through accountability we can achieve great things as a team by taking responsibility and strengthening our relationships to ourselves and others.


Trust is the currency that fuels all of our interactions. We are committed to authenticity and vulnerability when it comes to solving problems. When there is high trust, there is high productivity, growth, and reward.

We're more than investors — we're partners.

We partner with top-notch founders who have brilliant ideas that solve big problems. We come in at the ground floor because we understand how to grow disruptive businesses from an idea all the way through execution.

our platform



We offer expert knowledge and mentorship to help our partners to develop robust strategies to scale, transform, and grow.



We provide seed capital to turn innovative ideas into viable and scalable business models.



We accelerate the growth of our companies by equipping our partners with the infrastructure, resources, and support to maximize their potential.


We invest in early-stage companies in verticals where our executive team has domain knowledge, industry experience, and a robust network. We focus on industries that directly or indirectly influence consumers, such as textiles, content creation, and marketing. By improving supply chain efficiencies and fostering positive environmental and social progress, we optimize for capital efficiency and growth to launch new ideas more effectively.

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We provide our Partners with what they need — when they need it.


Our portfolio companies have access to our mentor network of accomplished entrepreneurs, investors, creatives, and industry experts. By providing access to high-quality talent we can accelerate learning, facilitate new partnerships, and expedite growth.

Westlake studio

We opened our Westlake location that both our executive team and some of our portfolio companies call home. By eliminating the stress and distraction of finding and maintaining a professional work environment, we offer an adaptive workplace that promotes a culture of excellence and productivity.

active investments